Anger Management – Understanding Anger – e-Book

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Anger Management – Understanding Anger – e-Book


Anger is a universal experience. Dogs get angry, bees get angry, and so do humans. You don’t have to be a psychologist to know that managing anger productively is something few individuals, organisations, and societies do well. Yet research tells us that those who do manage their anger at work are much more successful than those who don’t.

The co-worker who can productively confront his teammate about his negative attitude increases his team’s chance of success as well as minimises destructive conflicts. The customer service agent who can defuse the angry customer not only keeps her customers loyal but makes her own day less troublesome.

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Product Description

This module will introduce you to Anger Management.

Learning Outcomes

  • Recognise how anger affects your body, your mind, and your behaviour.
  • Use the five-step method to break old patterns and replace them with a model for assertive anger.
  • Use an anger log to identify your hot buttons and triggers.
  • Control your own emotions when faced with other peoples’ anger.
  • Identify ways to help other people safely manage some of their repressed or expressed anger.
  • Communicate with others in a constructive, assertive manner.


Half Day or 60 Mins Online

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