Understanding Epilepsy – e-Book

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Understanding Epilepsy – e-Book


The Understanding Epilepsy programme aims to build on your understanding of what it means to have epilepsy and your caring experience. The course will suggest lots of ideas about how you can help people in your care who have this condition.
The course has been written to be useful for staff to apply in their everyday work. It describes up-to-date practices in the care of people who have epilepsy. This is a fascinating area to work in, with new developments all the time.
The programme is suitable for staff working in hospitals, care homes, day centres, and in people’s own homes. This is reflected in the words used to refer to the people receiving care; patient’, resident’, and client’ are used.

This product can only be purchased by members.

Product Description

This module will introduce you to Understanding Epilepsy.

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain a broad knowledge of epilepsy syndromes including causes, diagnosis and treatment
  • Develop effective management of Epilepsy including the process to follow when someone a client is having a seizure
  • Understand how to support individuals living with epilepsy
  • Provides a full overview of a stroke including signs and symptoms and appropriate assessment and treatment


Half Day or 60 Mins Online

Refresher Requirements

Refreshed in accordance with your company guidelines, local and national authoritative guidelines and any regulatory requirements – TO ORDER, CLICK ‘BOOK IT’ BELOW AND LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND ADD THE COURSE TO YOUR BASKET, IF YOU DONT HAVE AN ACCOUNT CHOOSE YOUR USER STYLE AND CREATE AN ACCOUNT TO PLACE YOUR ORDER

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