Self-Leadership – e-Book

Self-Leadership – e-Book


Self-leadership puts together taking responsibility for our outcomes, setting direction for our lives, and having tools to manage priorities. Self-leaders work at all levels of an organisation. They are front-line workers in every possible role, middle managers, and CEOs. Self-leaders like Walt Disney and Wayne Gretzky worked hard to achieve their dreams without using the term self-leadership. However, they have clearly demonstrated that being in control of their behaviour and results, focus, practice, and learning were necessary to achieve their goals.
Self-leadership requires a commitment from individuals to decide what they want from life and to do what’s necessary to get the results they want. This course will help participants internalise the four pillars of self-leadership and to make meaningful, empowered choices while taking action to get where they want to go.

This product can only be purchased by members.

Product Description

This module will introduce you to Self-Leadership.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define self-leadership and what it means on an individual level
  • Assume responsibility for their results by understanding who they are, what they want, and how to reach they goals
  • Describe the four pillars of self-leadership
  • Use techniques related to adjusting to change, cultivating optimism, and developing good habits to build self-leadership


Half Day or 60 Mins Online

Refresher Requirements

Refreshed in accordance with your company guidelines, local and national authoritative guidelines and any regulatory requirements – TO ORDER, CLICK ‘BOOK IT’ BELOW AND LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND ADD THE COURSE TO YOUR BASKET, IF YOU DONT HAVE AN ACCOUNT CHOOSE YOUR USER STYLE AND CREATE AN ACCOUNT TO PLACE YOUR ORDER

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