Catheter Care

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Catheter Care


Catheterisation is the passing of a plastic tube, known as a catheter, through the patient’s urethra into the bladder, to permit the passage of urine.


This training is aimed at healthcare staff responsible for the care and welfare of individuals who have a catheter in situ.

The course aims to improve delegates’ knowledge of urinary catheterisation and the associated risks and their roles and responsibilities.

It will teach delegates how to correctly handle, empty and change catheter bags and how to maintain effective infection control.


Product Description

Catheterisation is the passing of a plastic tube, known as a catheter, through the patient’s urethra into the bladder, to permit the passage of urine.


This training is aimed at healthcare staff responsible for the care and welfare of individuals who have a catheter in situ.

The course aims to improve delegates’ knowledge of urinary catheterisation and the associated risks and their roles and responsibilities.

It will teach delegates how to correctly handle, empty and change catheter bags and how to maintain effective infection control.

 Learning Outcomes

On completion delegates will be able to demonstrate a greater awareness of catheterisation, the causes, needs and requirements. They understand best practice for catheter care and feel confidence in handling and a catheter on both male and female subjects.


Course Duration

  • This course lasts approximately 3 hours.

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